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@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Moreover, because machine listening is so deeply bound up with logics of automat

But machine listening isn't exactly listening either.

Technically, the methods of machine listening are diverse, but they bear little relationship to the biological processes of human audition or psychocultural processes of meaning making. Many are fundamentally imagistic [IBM Watson?]. Many work by combining auditory with other forms of data and sensory inputs: machines that listen by looking [light bulb thing], or by cross-referencing audio with geolocation data. In the field of Automatic Speech Recognition, for instance, it was only when researchers at IBM moved away from attempts to simulate human listening towards statistical data processing in the 1970s that the field began making decisive steps forward. Speech recognition needed to untether itself from "human sensory-motor phenomenon" in order to start recognising speech. Airplanes don't flap their wings [X Li].
Technically, the methods of machine listening are diverse, but they bear little relationship to the biological processes of human audition or psychocultural processes of meaning making. Many are fundamentally imagistic [IBM Watson?]. Many work by combining auditory with other forms of data and sensory inputs: machines that listen by looking [light bulb thing], or by cross-referencing audio with geolocation data. In the field of Automatic Speech Recognition, for instance, it was only when researchers at IBM moved away from attempts to simulate human listening towards statistical data processing in the 1970s that the field began making decisive steps forward. Speech recognition needed to untether itself from "human sensory-motor phenomenon" in order to start recognising speech. Airplanes don't flap their wings [^airplanes].

Even if machine listening did work by analogising human audition, the question of cognition would still remain. Insofar as "listening" implies a subjectivity, machines do not (yet) listen. But this kind of anthropocentrism simply begs the question. What is at stake with machine listening is precisely a new auditory regime: an analog of Paul Virilio's "sightless vision" [ref], the possibility of a listening without hearing or comprehension, a purely correlative listening, with the human subject decentered as privileged auditor.
