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ramshaw-stapleton.md 997 B

  1. ---
  2. title: "Sara Ramshaw and Paul Stapleton"
  3. Description: "[Sara](https://www.uvic.ca/law/facultystaff/facultydirectory/ramshaw.php) and [Paul](https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/persons/paul-stapleton) talk to us about their work on improvisation as it connects with questions of justice, composition and performance. We range from George Lewis' early experiments with interactive music systems on Rainbow Family to family law in Northern Ireland, and what it might mean to ['humanise' algorithmic listening](https://www.algorithmiclistening.org/).
  4. aliases: []
  5. author: "Machine Listening"
  6. date: "2021-05-27T00:00:00-05:00"
  7. episode_image: "images/ml.gif"
  8. explicit: "no"
  9. hosts: ["james-parker", "joel-stern", "sean-dockray"]
  10. images: ["images/ml.gif"]
  11. news_keywords: []
  12. podcast_duration: "84:31"
  13. podcast_file: ""
  14. podcast_bytes: ""
  15. youtube: ""
  16. categories: []
  17. series: []
  18. tags: []
  19. transcript: "http://git.metadada.xyz/machinelistening/curriculum/src/branch/master/content/transcript/ramshawstapleton.md"
  20. ---