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  2. title: "Word Processor"
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  4. # Word Processor
  5. ![ML](static/images/wpdiagrams.jpg)
  6. The Word Processor is a new tool for audio and text composition. The Word Processor is also a new tool for analysing the machine logics and potentials of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) – part of a methodology for exploring the problem.
  7. A public version of the {{<nosup>}}[word processor]({{</nosup>}} is now available with a range of preloaded transcripts. We are intersted in how the instrument might be turned on to certain kinds of speech. The corpus of transcripts, which is largely drawn from technologists and coporations talking about ASR, is one place to start.
  8. {{< nosup >}}[One way that we think about the tool is in terms of the history of ear training -- medical, musical and other contexts too]({{< /nosup >}}