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podcast feed attempt

Sean Dockray пре 3 година
4 измењених фајлова са 170 додато и 2 уклоњено
  1. +17
  2. +23
  3. +3
  4. +127

+ 17
- 2
config.toml Прегледај датотеку

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ baseURL = "https://machinelistening.exposed"
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copyright = "Copyright 2021 Machine Listening" #do not use markdown in this field; it is used in the feed
itunes_subtitle = "A curriculum" #no markdown or HTML
itunes_author = "Machine Listening" #no markdown or HTML
itunes_summary = "A platform for collective listening, thought, and artistic production: a critical counterpoint to all the solutionists, VCs, militarists and industry boosters intent on ‘empowering machines with the sense of hearing'."
itunes_owner_name = "Machine Listening"
itunes_owner_email = "machine.listening@gmail.com" #contains the e-mail address that will be used to contact the owner of the Podcast for communication specifically about their Podcast on Apple Podcasts. It will not be publicly displayed on Apple Podcasts.
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itunes_top_category = "Technology"
itunes_first_sub_category = "Software How-To"
itunes_second_sub_category = "Tech News"
language = "en-us"


+ 23
- 0
content/interview/shannon-mattern.md Прегледај датотеку

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: "Shannon Mattern"
Description: "Leading off from [Shannon's](https://wordsinspace.net/shannon/) essay [\"Urban Auscultation; or, Perceiving the Action of the Heart\"](https://placesjournal.org/article/urban-auscultation-or-perceiving-the-action-of-the-heart/), which addresses machine listening in the pandemic, we talk about the stethoscope, the decibel and other histories of machine listening, along with its epistemic and political dimensions and artistic deployments."
aliases: []
author: "Machine Listening"
date: "2020-08-18T00:00:00-05:00"
episode: "8"
episode_image: "images/ml.gif"
explicit: "no"
guests: ["jlong", "kgrant", "chamilton"]
images: ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords: []
podcast_duration: "00:55:00"
podcast_file: "https://machinelistening.exposed/library/Shannon%20Mattern/Shannon%20Mattern%20(19)/Shannon%20Mattern%20-%20Shannon%20Mattern.mp3"
podcast_bytes: ""
youtube: ""
categories: []
series: []
tags: []
Leading off from [Shannon's](https://wordsinspace.net/shannon/) essay ["Urban Auscultation; or, Perceiving the Action of the Heart"](https://placesjournal.org/article/urban-auscultation-or-perceiving-the-action-of-the-heart/), which addresses machine listening in the pandemic, we talk about the stethoscope, the decibel and other histories of machine listening, along with its epistemic and political dimensions and artistic deployments.
![Interview conducted on 18 August, 2020](audio:https://machinelistening.exposed/library/Shannon%20Mattern/Shannon%20Mattern%20(19)/Shannon%20Mattern%20-%20Shannon%20Mattern.mp3)

+ 3
- 0
data/sandpointsnamegraph.json Прегледај датотеку

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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+ 127
- 0
layouts/section/interview.rss.xml Прегледај датотеку

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