--- title: "INDEX: Interviews" has_experiments: [] --- # Interviews {{% interview "feldman-li-mills-pfeiffer.md" %}} {{% interview "lauren-lee-mccarthy.md" %}} {{% interview "alex-ahmed.md" %}} {{% interview "stefan-maier.md" %}} {{% interview "strengers-kennedy.md" %}} {{% interview "li.md" %}} {{% interview "andre-dao.md" %}} {{% interview "angie-abdilla.md" %}} {{% interview "parker-guffond.md" %}} {{% interview "vladan-joler.md" %}} {{% interview "halcyon-lawrence.md" %}} {{% interview "thomas-stachura.md" %}} {{% interview "mark-andrejevic.md" %}} {{% interview "shannon-mattern.md" %}} ## Kathy Reid [Kathy](https://github.com/KathyReid) talks to us about her work with [Mycroft](https://mycroft.ai/), [Mozilla Voice](https://voice.mozilla.org/) and now 3AI on open source voice assistants and the technics and politics of automatic speech recognition, along with a couple of utopian possibilities. ![Interview conducted on 11 August, 2020](audio:https://machinelistening.exposed/library/Kathy%20Reid/Kathy%20Reid%20(27)/Kathy%20Reid%20-%20Kathy%20Reid.mp3)