--- title: "Angie Abdilla" Description: "Angie talks to us about [Old Ways, New](https://oldwaysnew.com/), the Indigenous owned and led social enterprise she founded, based on Gadigal land in Redfern, Sydney. We discuss [Decolonising the Digital](http://ojs.decolonising.digital/index.php/decolonising_digital), Country Centered Design, a methodology which applies Indigenous design principles to the development of technologies for places, spaces and experiences, and how this contrasts with the 'placelessness' on which so many machine learning/listening systems are based." aliases: [] author: "Machine Listening" date: "2020-09-02T00:00:00-05:00" episode_image: "images/ml.gif" explicit: "no" hosts: ["james-parker", "joel-stern", "sean-dockray"] images: ["images/ml.gif"] news_keywords: [] podcast_duration: "38:49" podcast_file: "https://machinelistening.exposed/library/Angie%20Abdilla/Angie%20Abdilla%20(31)/Angie%20Abdilla%20-%20Angie%20Abdilla.mp3" podcast_bytes: "" youtube: "" categories: [] series: [] tags: [] transcript: "http://git.metadada.xyz/machinelistening/curriculum/src/branch/master/content/transcript/abdilla.md" ---