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Shannon Mattern Leading off from [Shannon's]( essay ["Urban Auscultation; or, Perceiving the Action of the Heart"](, which addresses machine listening in the pandemic, we talk about the stethoscope, the decibel and other histories of machine listening, along with its epistemic and political dimensions and artistic deployments. [] Machine Listening 2020-08-18T00:00:00-05:00 8 images/ml.gif no [jlong kgrant chamilton] [img/episode/default-social.jpg] [] 00:55:00 [] [] []

Leading off from Shannon’s essay “Urban Auscultation; or, Perceiving the Action of the Heart”, which addresses machine listening in the pandemic, we talk about the stethoscope, the decibel and other histories of machine listening, along with its epistemic and political dimensions and artistic deployments.

Interview conducted on 18 August, 2020